Hello Pet Lovers!

Thank you so much for visiting my website!

The order process is very simple. All I need is a good quality photograph of your pet!

When you fill out the form, you can upload a single image or multiple images.

You can send me a message asking for specific details like:

  • Background color
  • Whether you would like a color portrait or black and white
  • If you would like the name of your pet on the portrait and/or any other personalizations

If you are not sure, you are welcome to visit my “Gallery Of Pet Drawings” for ideas!

After I receive your order I will send you an email with a secured method of payment through PayPal.

Each illustration US$25 (unlimited revisions )

Fill Out the Form to Order Now

Loved by Many

Jackie did an incredible job of creating a picture of a very much missed little Shih-Tzu called Cash. His unique character comes shining through the picture. I can’t thank her enough for the care she took over making sure it was right and I was happy. She is an incredible talent. Thank you again Jackie x

Rachel Moore

Thank you Jackie, It is really nice to see how you capture the character of our Rambo in your drawing! I already print it on a metallic paper! the drawing looks awesome! it really stand out !

Brian Lambert

I just wanted to thank you for what you do. I really appreciate your unique drawing style. I will use my drawing to create a logo for my dog’s grooming services

Olga Alvarado